Question Title

* 1. For the position of President Elect please fill in your nomination.

President-Elect (optional position) 
*May succeed into the presidency at the end of a one or two-year term of office. 
*Communicate to the public the purposes of the society. 
*Be chair of committees, as needed. 
*Learn the chapter operations and facilitate the achievement of chapter goals and mission of Sigma Theta Tau International. 
*Chapter determines other specific responsibilities of the President-Elect position. 

Question Title

* 2. For the position of VICE PRESIDENT please fill in your nomination.

Vice President (Required) 
*Perform the duties of the president in the president's absence. In at at-Large chapter a designated vice president shall perform these duties. 
*Be chair of committees, as needed. 
*Succeed into the office of president and serve until the next election in the event that the president vacates his/her officer during the two-year term. 
*Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership regarding the vice-president's responsibilities and activities. 
*Oversee the planning of chapter programs ensuring that at least two programs or events that support the honor society's purposes and goals are held each year. 

Question Title

* 3. For the position of SECRETARY please fill in your nomination. 

Secretary (Required) 
*Record and write the minutes for each Board of Directors and business meeting. 
*Distribute minutes to all members of the Board of Directors. 
*Keep an official record book of the minutes of all Board of Directors and business meetings to present to the succeeding secretary. 
*Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership.  
*Submit the list of new officers to headquarters within two weeks of officer elections and provide headquarters with updates as they occur.  
*Order all stationery, forms and mailing labels for the chapter. 
*Type and mail chapter correspondence. 
*Send membership invitations to all elected candidates, in cooperation with the Governance Committee. 
*Serve on committees as needed. 

Question Title

* 4. For the position of PUBLICITY CHAIR please fill in your nomination.

Publicity Chair (optional) 
*Oversee the development and implementation of promotional strategies to maintain chapter visibility within the community. 
*Manage the development process and publishing of the chapter newsletter. 
*Submit content online for the monthly STTIconnect e-newsletter that is distributed by headquarters.  
*Oversee the publication of all program, conference and chapter activity announcements. 
*Manage the development of content for chapter displays at special events.  
*Assist in content creation and revisions for the chapter website.

Question Title

* 5. For the position of GOVERNANCE CHAIR please fill in your nomination.

Governance Committee Chair (Required) 
*Oversee chapter membership eligibility issues 
*Lead the bylaws amendment process by considering, reviewing, editing and/or correlating amendments as suggested or appropriate  
*Update the chapter’s bylaws to comply with changes made to the international bylaws by utilizing the chapter bylaws template created and updated by STTI headquarters (updated template is typically available in January of even-numbered years)

Question Title

* 6. For the position of TREASURER please fill in your nomination.

Treasurer (Required)
· Be custodian of the chapter funds.
· Prepare and present a current financial report to the board of directors at each meeting.
· Prepare and submit an annual budget to the board of directors with appropriate committee advisory council or task force.
· Prepare and submit the financial section of the chapter annual report.
· Work with an accountant on a biennial audit.
· Obtain and complete necessary tax forms for the Internal Revenue Service (US chapters only).
· If the chapter is not using the online induction system, write checks needed for international induction fees and jewelry and honor cord orders.
· Manage the investment plan of the chapter with support from the board of directors.
· Develop and maintain fiscal policies and procedures in collaboration with the appropriate committee. Submit new policies or modifications of existing policies to the board of directors for approval.
· Be bonded in an amount equal to three-fourths of the worth of the chapter

Question Title

* 7. For the position of LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION CHAIR please fill in your nomination.

Leadership Succession Chair (Required)
· Develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers
· Mentor members to assume positions at all levels of the organization
· Oversee the selection of members who can provide the necessary leadership to achieve chapter goals and to meet the needs of members
· Manage the preparation, distribution and tallying of election ballots
· Notify all candidates (elected and non-elected) of the election results
· Note: Those serving on the Leadership Succession Committee are not permitted to be on the slate of candidates for officer or committee position

Question Title

* 8. For the position of COUNSELOR please fill in your nomination:
• Serve on the chapter board of directors:
o Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership regarding the counselor’s responsibilities
and activities.
o Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to the position of counselor. Submit
modifications or new policies and procedures to the board of directors for approval.
• Lead the recruitment process and be an advocate for membership in the organization:
o Lead the procedure for determining membership eligibility and inducting members.
o Develop strategies for publicizing and informing students and nursing leaders of membership
eligibility criteria.
o Secure necessary data from the official records of students to determine eligibility status.
o Notify students of their eligibility status and send out the appropriate informational materials.
o Prepare and set up inductions using the Online Induction System. Download the latest version
and consult the Online Induction System manual for each induction.
o Prepare for inductions by downloading and customizing the induction scripts and slides.
o Work with the appropriate parties to plan induction ceremony events.
o Download and send the “Sample Letter to Send Before Induction” to each eligible candidate
before induction.
• Serve on committees:
o Serve on the Governance Committee (may be appointed as chair).
o Work with other committees, as assigned.
• Skills Gained through Service:
o Serve on a non-profit/non-governmental organization board of directors
o Team communication
o Leadership of committee
o Recruitment best practices
o Budgeting
• Special Notes about Counselors:
o Counselors are required to be a faculty member or employee at the university or practice setting
affiliated with the chapter.
o Counselors of alumni chapters who oversee nurse leader inductions are not required to be
o At-large chapters should have a counselor at each institution of higher education and practice

Question Title

* 9. For the position of LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION COMMITTEE MEMBER please fill in (2) nominations: 
• Committee Structure:
o 3 elected members
▪ Chair appointed by chapter president
• Reports to the board of directors:
o Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership regarding the leadership succession
committee responsibilities and activities.
o Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to the leadership succession committee.
Submit modifications or new policies and procedures to the board of directors for approval.
• Member Development:
o Develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers.
o Mentor members to assume positions at all levels of the organization.
• Elections:
o Oversee the selection of members who can provide the necessary leadership to achieve chapter
goals and to meet the needs of members.
o Manage the preparation, distribution and tallying of election ballots.
o Notify all candidates (elected and non-elected) of the election results.
• Submit the list of new officers to headquarters within two weeks of officer elections and provide
headquarters with updates as they occur.
• Skills Gained through Service:
o Serving on a committee
o Team communication
o Organizational governance
o Leadership Development
• Special Note about Leadership Succession Committee: Those serving on the Leadership Succession
Committee are not permitted to be on the slate of candidates for officer or committee positions.