Question Title

* 1. Overall, how would you rate your experience with the Office of Pretrial Services?

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* 2. How would you rate your Pretrial Officer’s efforts to motivate and help you in staying positive and in compliance with your SORP (Supervised Own Recognizance Release Program) conditions?

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* 3. While on SORP, were you treated fairly, respectfully, and professionally?

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* 4. How would you rate your impression on our staff (pretrial officers, receptionists) and facility when you visited the Pretrial Services office?

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* 5. How would you rate the clarity of your SORP conditions that your Pretrial officer explained to you?

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* 6. How would you rate the promptness of responses from your pretrial officers (e.g. returning your call, text, app, visit)?

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* 7. How helpful were the resources (documents, website, app, etc.) provided to you to be successful on the SORP?

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* 8. [Select N/A if you’re not drug tested] Overall, how would you rate your experience with our Pretrial Services Technician during drug testing appointments?

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* 9. [Select N/A if you’re not drug tested] During your drug testing appointments, were you given sufficient time to provide a urine sample?

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* 10. [Select N/A if you’re not drug tested] On average, how long did you wait before you began your drug testing?

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* 11. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?