
Dear Farm to Institution Stakeholder,

Farm to Institution New England (FINE) is a six-state network of non-profit, public and private entities working to mobilize the power of institutions to transform New England's food system.

This survey is intended to help FINE better understand and serve our stakeholders. It asks some questions about your involvement in farm to institution (FTI) activities, and your opinions about FINE's services and farm to institution initiatives.

The information gathered will help us and others involved in the farm to school, farm to college, farm to health care, and farm to prison movements in New England to be more effective. We are eager to see how our work is impacting the farm to institution supply chain and to better understand the scope of innovations, barriers, and opportunities we all face. Finally, we want the information to help us plan how to better assist you!

The results will be made public on the FINE website. Your name and affiliation will not be shared with anyone UNLESS YOU SPECIFY OTHERWISE, and results will be presented in summary format only; no individuals will be identified.

We estimate that the survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. As a token of our appreciation for your time and thought, you will be entered into a drawing for one of four $25 Visa gift cards.

If you have any problems accessing this survey or have any questions or comments, please email Nessa Richman at

Thank you!


Peter Allison
FINE Network Director