Discovery Questions and Insight

We want to learn more about you!

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* 1. What is your full name and email address?

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* 2. What is your current role and how long have you been in it? Share about your journey up to this point.

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* 3. Tell me about your current business and brand.  If you haven't created one yet, let us know, that's our specialty!

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* 4. What do you think is missing in your business and brand currently?  This is where you get to share what's NOT working... 

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* 5. What is your next goal and how can we assist you to getting there?  It's ok to take a guess, we don't expect you to have all the answers, or you wouldn't have reached out for assistance.

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* 6. Did you know that investing in Marketing and PR for your brand and business has a VERY High Return on Investment?

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* 7. How did you hear about Karie Millspaugh and Publicity Creations by Design?

Thank you for taking the time to submit these answers, someone from my team will be contacting you to explore scheduling a discovery call. If you do not get a response within 48 hours, please contact me direct at

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* 8. If referred to our services, please include their first and last name and/or company name