Sign your child up for our Music Video Program (February break) and Narrative Film Program (spring break) at Auburn Public Theater! 

Please fill out this form to the best of your abilities. If you have any questions, you can contact Mo Allyn via email at or text them at (315) 237 - 2539.

Question Title

* 1. Child/Student Information

Question Title

* 2. What is your child's date of birth?

Question Title

* 3. Parent/Guardian Information

Question Title

* 4. Emergency Contact - Parent/Guardian #2 Information

Question Title

* 5. Please list any medical conditions your child may have that you would like our staff to be aware of. 

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* 6. Please confirm the details of the program your child will be attending below.

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* 7. Please indicate if you would like to be contacted about scholarship options. 

Question Title


Question Title

* 9. How did you learn about our Film Education programs?

Question Title

* 10. Photo Release: I give Auburn Public Theater permission to use any photos taken of my child for promotional materials.

Question Title

* 11. Signature

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