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Question Title

* 1. What are your reasons for applying to the Arts Magnet Program?

  agree disagree
Family/friends are or were in AMP
Expanded arts opportunities/increase arts awareness
Specialized arts experiences in my area of interest
To have a positive high school experience
To be more successful post high school
To make friends
Desire to become a professional artist
Not sure

Question Title

* 2. Would you have come to GCHS had there not been an Arts Magnet Program? If no, please list what school you would have attended otherwise and why.

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* 3. Do you plan on pursuing the arts after high school?

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* 4. I anticipate that AMP will allow me to be more involved and offer me a more well rounded high school experience?

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* 5. What do you expect to gain from AMP?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Academic Liberty
Classroom Engagement
Diverse arts experiences
People and relationship connections
Positive Environment
Exposure to extended/additional courses
Exposure to specialized expert faculty within their field

Question Title

* 6. I am aware of the requirements, essential components (consecutive class schedule), and expectations of being an AMP student at GCHS?

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* 7. How important is being accepted in to the Arts Magnet Program to you?

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* 8. I believe that my arts classes enrich my day to day life at GCHS?

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* 10. What middle school did you attend?