Fair Grove R-X Schools Stakeholder Survey

The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) is updated each year  with annual progress evaluations and updates. It is once again time to think about the Fair Grove School District; examining the areas that are working well and those that may need further development. This is an important step in determining the priorities and goals of the district. Please complete the survey to assist the CSIP team in understanding the needs of the District as we strive to continuously improve and provide a high quality education for our students. 

If you or someone you know in the community would like to take the survey, but cannot utilize the online version, contact the Central Office at 417-759-2233.

Thank you for your time and feedback in assisting Fair Grove R-X Schools in the CSIP process. 

Question Title

* 1. Please choose the category that best describes your relationship with the Fair Grove School District.  Please choose only one of the following:

Question Title

* 2. Please evaluate the following statements concerning the Fair Grove R-X School District's quality of Safety and Security.

  Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
District buildings are maintained to provide a safe learning environment.
Appropriate day-to-day security measures and policies are in place to keep students safe.
My child feels safe at school.

Question Title

* 3. Please evaluate the following statements concerning your student's overall 
Learning Experience at Fair Grove R-X Schools:

  Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
Everyone has a chance to succeed at my student's school.
My student is able to get additional help when needed.
The curriculum is engaging and challenging.
My student is prepared to be successful at the next grade level or post-secondary pursuits.

Question Title

* 4. Please evaluate the following statements concerning the Fair Grove R-X School District's  Quality of Communication.

  Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
The school district effectively communicates necessary information.
The school provides helpful information through class and/or school newsletters.
When I have a concern or problem, I feel I can communicate with school personnel.
The school district utilizes effective ways to deliver information through social media and building websites.

Question Title

* 5. Please evaluate the following statements concerning your student's 
Overall Experience at Fair Grove R-X Schools:

  Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
Everyone has a chance to succeed at my student's school.
I feel welcomed when I visit Fair Grove Schools.
The teachers and administrators treat my student with respect.
Overall, my family is satisfied with the Fair Grove R-X School district.

Question Title

* 6. Please rank in order of importance when judging the quality of our school district.
(1 is the most important and 9 being the least important) (Drag or Number )

Question Title

* 7. Please rank in order of importance these factors that have the greatest positive impact on student’s ability to be successful in school.    
(1 is the most important and 8 being the least important) ( Drag or Number )

Question Title

* 8. Please rank in order of importance ways to develop and enhance quality education/instructional programs to improve and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals.
(1 is the most important and 8 being the least important) ( Drag or Number )

Question Title

* 9. Please rank in order of importance effective ways to provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, services, and functional/safe facilities. 
(1 is the most important and 8 being the least important) ( Drag or Number )

Question Title

* 10. Please list other important factors related to student success and a quality school district.