IDEAL Placements Transition to Work Survey

We invite you to participate in a 5-minute survey about the quality of our service and support. Your feedback is crucial for shaping future services at IDEAL Placements and the Transition to Work program. The survey is confidential and voluntary.
1.Which IDEAL Placements office do you visit?(Required.)
2.How would you rate IDEAL Placements' understanding of your personal circumstances and barriers to employment or education?(Required.)
Not Too Bad
3.Do you feel your current employment skills align with the job demands in Mackay region?(Required.)
Yes, Completely
Somewhat Aligned
Not Aligned
4.Which activities or services do you feel would benefit your job readiness or education goals the most?
(Select all that apply)
5.How would you rate the overall support provided by your Employment Consultant?(Required.)
6.Are there any specific activities or programs you’d like IDEAL Placements to include to better support you?
(Select all that apply)
7.How likely are you to recommend IDEAL Placements to others seeking employment or education support?(Required.)
Not At All Likely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
8.Do you have any additional suggestions to improve our services?