Question Title

* 1. Do you live or work in Rainier Beach

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* 2. What is your zip code?

Question Title

Proposed Projects. The pins on the map correspond to project information sheets below.
The yellow pin is new curb ramps, purple pins are new marked crosswalks, orange pin is marked crosswalk and flashing beacon, red pin is marked crosswalk with curb bulb and flashing beacon, blue line is new flashing beacons at existing crosswalks, and the green is speed control, including speed cushions and a speed control median.

Proposed Projects. The pins on the map correspond to project information sheets below.<br>The yellow pin is new curb ramps, purple pins are new marked crosswalks, orange pin is marked crosswalk and flashing beacon, red pin is marked crosswalk with curb bulb and flashing beacon, blue line is new flashing beacons at existing crosswalks, and the green is speed control, including speed cushions and a speed control median.

Question Title

Marked Crosswalk at 51st and Bond - Star purple pin

Marked Crosswalk at 51st and Bond - Star purple pin

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Flashing beacon (RRFB) and marked crosswalk at 51st and Gazelle - Orange pin

Flashing beacon (RRFB) and marked crosswalk at 51st and Gazelle - Orange pin

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Speed control median at 51st and Creston - Green pin

Speed control median at 51st and Creston - Green pin

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New curb ramps at Rainier and Cloverdale - Yellow pin

New curb ramps at Rainier and Cloverdale - Yellow pin

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Marked crosswalk at 54th and Roxbury - Regular purple pin

Marked crosswalk at 54th and Roxbury - Regular purple pin

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Flashing beacons at existing crosswalks along Rainier Ave - Blue line

Flashing beacons at existing crosswalks along Rainier Ave - Blue line

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Painted edge lines and speed cushions along Waters Ave - Green line

Painted edge lines and speed cushions along Waters Ave - Green line

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New marked crosswalk, flashing beacon, and curb bulb at Seward and Wabash - Red pin

New marked crosswalk, flashing beacon, and curb bulb at Seward and Wabash - Red pin

Question Title

* 3. Using the above map and project information sheets, please rank the proposed projects in order of your personal preference. 

Question Title

* 4. Are there additional places where it is difficult to walk or where you would like to see pedestrian improvements? Please tell us where and what the problem is using landmarks or streets.

Question Title

* 5. What race do you identify as?

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* 6. What is your age range?

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* 7. Do you have a mobility or visual impairment?