Question Title

* 1. What’s your overall impression of the CIBSE brand?

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* 2. How would you describe what CIBSE does?
Select all that apply

Question Title

* 3. What is the most important thing CIBSE provides to you?
Please select up to 3 in order of importance (1 being most important)

  1 2 3
The Knowledge portal
CIBSE Journal
Professional registration
Access to peer-reviewed guidance and research
Training and CPD opportunities at events
Conferences and technical events
Networking opportunities
Online professional development portal - mycareerpath
Access to membership of societies (SLL, SFE, SoPHE, SDE, Patrons)
The mentoring platform

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* 4. What is CIBSE’s weakest area, and why?
Please select one answer

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* 5. What are the reasons for your answer to the previous question regarding CIBSE's weakest area?

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* 6. How does the CIBSE brand make you feel?
Rate from 1 to 5 (1 being low 5 being high)

  1 2 3 4 5
Well informed with the guidance, knowledge and resources on offer
Supported in my professional growth, development and progression
Inspired to work to the highest standards and professional excellence
Connected to like-minded professionals
Motivated to gain my professional registration
Confident that I am connected to an industry leading organisation
Confident in the membership and the credentials it gives me

Question Title

* 7. Do you know there is a bird in the logo? If yes what does it represent?

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* 8. How would you describe CIBSE’s tone of voice?
Please select all that apply

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* 9. What three words would you use to describe CIBSE?

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* 10. Do you think CIBSE appeals to future professionals (the next generation)?

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* 11. Do you think our brand is consistent across all our communications (E.g. website, social media, print, publications?

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* 12. What improvements would you like to see in the CIBSE brand?