Question Title

* 1. List emerging or unique occupations for this innovative pathway and provide sample position descriptions for these occupations.

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* 2. List state, regional or local business employers with demand for these emerging or unique occupations.

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* 3. Identify when these occupations will be available

Question Title

* 4. Identify the type of innovative pathway program the school district is implementing

Question Title

* 5. Describe why the district believes the innovative pathway model is the best option to address the labor market need/demand.

Question Title

* 6. 1st Course: Program of Study and Sequence (Pathway, Course Title, Course Subject Code, Curriculum Code) 

Question Title

* 7. 2nd Course: Program of Study and Sequence (Pathway, Course Title, Course Subject Code, Curriculum Code) 

Question Title

* 8. 3rd Course: Program of Study and Sequence (Pathway, Course Title, Course Subject Code, Curriculum Code) 

Question Title

* 9. 4th Course: Program of Study and Sequence (Pathway, Course Title, Course Subject Code, Curriculum Code) 

Question Title

* 10. Additional Courses: Program of Study and Sequence (Pathway, Course Title, Course Subject Code, Curriculum Code) 

Question Title

* 11. Explain why this series of courses was chosen and how the program of study prepares the student to enter the workforce or move on to advanced postsecondary training.

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* 12. Describe how work-based learning will be integrated into this program.

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* 13. List all credentials that may be integrated into the program of study along with the total number of instructional hours that will be dedicated credential specific training.

Question Title

* 14. List all postsecondary credits (course number, course name, and Institution) to be earned at completion of the program.

Question Title

* 15. Provide sufficient evidence of the following:  1) The program of study aligns to state, regional, or local in-demand or critical  emerging or unique occupation(s) and 2) Completion of the program results in direct employment, preferential training or earning a postsecondary credential aligned to the in-demand or critical emerging or unique occupation(s) identified.

Question Title

* 16. Attach all partnership agreements. Partnership agreements should include:  1) contact information for all business and industry and/or postsecondary partners collaborating in the implementation of this pathway 2) Description of process for student to receive preferential hiring, training or retain early degree completion and 3) evaluation plan for implementation of the program.  The partnership agreement should include the responsibilities of all partners.

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Question Title

* 17. Provider Name (District or School Level)

Question Title

* 18. Provider IRN (District or School Level)

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* 19. Provider Location Name (Building Level)

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* 20. Provider Location IRN (Building Level)