Thank you for your interest in hosting a Fed Fellow through June 30, 2023.

Please note that this application does not guarantee a Fed Fellow will be placed on your board or committee. 
Pairing Fed Fellows with their host is very intentional and based on mutual interest from both parties, which more likely ensures successful long-term placement.

Expectations of Fed Fellow host organizations:
  • Agree to host a Fed Fellow through June 30, 2023
  • Invite Fed Fellow to onboarding orientation
  • Invite Fed Fellow to join board meetings
  • Identify a mentor for Fed Fellow to meet with 4 times in the year, and be available throughout the fellow’s service on the board. This mentor should be a member of your Board.
  • Discuss process, fellowship, and feedback semi-annually with Dona Standel

Question Title

* 1. Organization or Federation Committee name:

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* 2. Name of Executive Director or CEO:

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* 3. Name of Board or Committee Chair:

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* 4. Explanation or blurb about your organization's work to share with Fed Fellows (up to 200 words and includes your mission):

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* 5. Please provide the dates and times of your board meetings from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.*
(ex. July 1, 6:00-8:00 pm; first Wednesday of every month @ 12-2pm)

*If dates are not yet set, please email Dona when you expect to have them.

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* 6. Where will meetings occur?

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* 7. Please elaborate:

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* 8. Where do meetings occur when in-person?

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* 9. What are the top 3 skills/expertise/demographics you are seeking for your leadership?

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* 10. What system(s), if any, do you have in place to integrate and welcome a Fed Fellow?
(i.e. buddy system, orientation specifically for them, formal check-in with board chair, informal coffee with board member)

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* 11. What projects or priorities do you have in mind to which a Fed Fellow can contribute?
(A Fed Fellow's experience and connection to their host organization is made more meaningful with a tangible project or committee that aligns with their bandwidth and skill.)

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* 12. Please describe the current make-up of your board/committee and needs you have to diversify your leadership.

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* 13. Please check if you would consider any of the following:

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* 14. What is your organization's history with the Fed Fellows program?

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* 15. Who should we contact for Fed Fellows-related business?

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* 16. Please share any additional questions or comments here: