We anticipate that at some point the Governor will lift restrictions on swimming pools.  We want to understand how our swim team families are feeling about sending their kids back to practice so we can plan accordingly. 

Please take a minute to share your feedback to help guide our planning.

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* 1. When the Governor allows pools to reopen, under what conditions would you allow your child to return to swim team practice?

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* 2. We are exploring a range of precautionary steps to implement if we re-open swim team practice. Please share which precautions you think are important for us to implement.

  Not as important Important Very important Essential
Most YWCA staff will continue to work from home with only minimal essential staff returning, including necessary swim staff. This will diminish the density of the building.
Only swim team members would be allowed in the building. Parents would have to wait in the parking lot. This allows us to diminish gatherings and density in the lobby.
Swimmer folders will be removed and all information will be shared electronically.
All personal communications between swimmers and coaches or parents and coaches will be by phone or email only. No in person meetings.
All furniture removed from the lobby to ensure youth do not gather.
Removal of vending machines.
Upon entry to the building, all entrants would be required to take their temperature, complete a symptom screening, and wash their hands. Any swimmers showing any symptoms would need to promptly leave and could not return until they have gone 72 hours without any symptoms. Any swimmer not following protocol will be banned from returning.
Closing down locker rooms. All swimmers will need to enter in their suit ready to swim, and exit in their suit w/o changing or dressing. They will only be permitted to bring a towel, water bottle, shoes, goggles, and swim cap into the building. Swimmers will need to change in and out of their suits at home.
Swimmers would be assigned to small group practices with just a few swimmers at a time.
Only coaches on deck wearing masks and maintain at least 6 feet distance from swimmer at all times (except in the case of an emergency).
Only coaches on deck wearing masks and standing behind a Plexiglas barrier for the duration of the practice to ensure no contact between coach and swimmer (except in the case of an emergency).
All swimmers when not in the pool must wear masks.
Cashless purchase of swim items (goggles, caps).
Setting specific entry and exit times for each small group of swimmers to diminish the opportunity for youth to interact with anyone not in their assigned practice group. Our lobby door would remain locked and only unlocked by staff at scheduled entry times for each swim practice group.
Staggering schedules to allow for coaches to disinfect pool decks, door knobs, and all equipment used between each small group practice.

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* 3. It is very likely that if we reopen, most swimmers may experience 50% or more reduction in practice time. We will try to make up some of the time with dry land training outdoors. Will this prevent your swimmer from returning? 

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* 4. Sanctioned swim meets may be limited or nonexistent for the first few months. We will follow guidelines from Illinois Swimming and USA Swimming. We may be limited to in-house, smaller competitions. Will this prevent your swimmer from returning?

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* 5. Given the opportunity and appropriate safety precautions, when would you consider sending your swimmer back to the pool?

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* 6. Are there any other considerations you would like to share?

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* 7. Your swimmer’s age

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* 8. Your Name (optional)