FEDovations Are Back!

GA 2016, November 13-15 in Washington, D.C., will again feature two full breakout blocks of FEDovation sessions. Submit your most innovative programming now! Federations are launching some of the most vibrant, thriving and critical change efforts in the Jewish world today, creating and testing new expressions of Jewish life across North America. Are some of those programs coming from your community?

GA ‘16 will spotlight dozens of initiatives focusing on the topics listed below. They will be presented TED-style (by you or a colleague, in a practiced and polished 5 minutes). In order to participate, you or said colleague (professional or lay leader) must be planning to attend the GA. Alas, we are unable to pay your way to the GA.

The deadline for submissions has been extended to July 12. We will let you know by the end of July whether your program has been selected to be presented at the GA.

Question Title

* 1. FEDovation Contact:

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* 2. Please pick the category that best fits your FEDovation submission.

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* 3. What opportunity or challenge was your program or strategy designed to address? (100 words max)

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* 4. Please describe the program. What makes it innovative? (250 words max)

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* 5. What were the goals? What were the outcomes? How did you measure success? (250 words max)

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* 6. How is this idea replicable for communities of different sizes? (100 words max)