About this survey

The FDRLO is reviewing its "branding" position within the community.  As part of the process, it is considering options for a new logo and slogan. It is also considering whether a name change may be appropriate to better communicate its mission.  Your input is being sought to provide feedback on the process to the marketing committee and board of directors.  This survey will ask a few questions related to the FDRLO's mission and how you work with it and other Fort Drum related organizations.  Questions about potential names, logos and slogans are also included.

Question Title

* 1. In thinking about the community's support of Fort Drum, how important are each of the following:

  Not  Somewhat  Very  Essential
Ensuring the local education system serves the needs of both the military and civilian community
Supporting soldiers and families as North Country neighbors
Promoting local businesses opportunities related to Fort Drum
Building support Fort Drum from businesses and officials outside the North Country
Connecting soldiers and families with the North Country community
Ensuring the local health care system serves the needs of both the military and civilian community
Advocating for Fort Drum with elected and appointed officials
Addressing threats to Fort Drum’s economic benefit to the North Country
Maintaining communication between community leaders and Fort Drum commanders
Developing partnerships to assure compatible use buffer zones around Fort Drum

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the community's current performance in the following?

  Poor OK Good Excellent Don't know
Ensuring the local health care system serves the needs of both the military and civilian community
Building support Fort Drum from businesses and officials outside the North Country
Advocating for Fort Drum with elected and appointed officials
Connecting soldiers and families with the North Country community
Maintaining communication between community leaders and Fort Drum commanders
Developing partnerships to assure compatible use buffer zones around Fort Drum
Promoting local businesses opportunities related to Fort Drum
Supporting soldiers and families as North Country neighbors
Addressing threats to Fort Drum’s economic benefit to the North Country
Ensuring the local education system serves the needs of both the military and civilian community
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14% of survey complete.