Background image description: People walking on city street crosswalk top view.  Text within the image: FDA logo, FDA’s Rare Disease Day 2023 Virtual Public Meeting, Monday, February 27, 2023, 9:00 am to 4:45 pm EST, Intersections with Rare Diseases A Patient-Focused Event #FDARareDiseaseDay, Register NOW.

Registration for FDA's Rare Disease Day 2023 

Intersections with Rare Diseases
Monday, February 27, 2023 from 9AM - 4:45PM EST

The FDA’s collection of information in support of this public meeting is conducted in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. FDA is using a third-party service and website, Survey Monkey, to assist with event registration and collection of information from participants.

Survey Monkey is not a government website or application. HHS and FDA privacy policies do not apply to Survey Monkey. By using Survey Monkey to communicate with FDA, the information you submit may be accessible to nongovernment third parties. Unless required by law, FDA will not share this information. Furnishing requested information is voluntary.

You can alternatively submit information by emailing When submitting information by website or email, please take care not to submit unnecessary sensitive information such as Social Security number, medical records numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Additional detail regarding FDA's use of information is available online:
Privacy Act:
Website Policies:
1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
3.Email Address(Required.)
4.FDA will be holding a open public comment period at the event to give the public an opportunity to comment on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to participate in the open public comment period, select yes or no. If yes, OOPD will reach out with more information. 
5.What is your affiliation?