Missing Person Legislation

Fact Sheet Evaluation

This short survey will only take a few minutes.  Your feedback is very important to us and will be used to improve our current and future information offerings.  Your answers will be kept anonymous and confidential.  Survey results will only be presented in aggregate and will only be shared with the Department of Justice – Victims Fund as an evaluation of this project.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
1.How would you rate your knowledge of the issue before reading the fact sheet?
Using a 5-point scale, where "1" means ‘Strongly Agree’ and "5" means ‘Strongly Disagree’, how would you rate the following statements?
2.The language used was clear.
3.The language used was easy to understand.
4.The fact sheet was informative.
5.Reading the fact sheet increased my knowledge of the issue.
6.The fact sheet should have been more in-depth.
7.The material presented in this fact sheet was clear.
8.If faced with the situation described in the fact sheet, how likely would you be to consult the specific fact sheet again?
9.What changes would you recommend to the fact sheet you are reviewing?  Is there information you would like added or removed?  If you require more space, please feel free to email us at Admin@missingadults.ca