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* 1. Approximately how many patients would you prescribe and/or manage oral anticoagulants in a usual week?

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* 2. For those patients discharged from Western health, on oral anticoagulation was there any information provided to you to guide  oral anitcoagulation therapy

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* 3. If yes, rate your level of agreement/disagreement to the following statement:

Western health provide adequate discharge information on oral anticoagulation management for patients

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* 4. Having a dedicated anticoagulation discharge plan would enhance my management of patients on roal anticoagulation therapy

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* 5. On a scale of 1 to 5, rate the importance of the following summaries:

Most recent INR (for warfarin)
Duration of therapy
Information about continuation of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy
Planned dose changes

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* 6. How many years have you practiced as a GP?