We intend to host this Plugfest at UNH (New Hampshire) during October of 2023. 

We are putting out this call for interest (CFI) to ascertain the right timing, testing and interoperability matrix and projected attendance.  

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* 1. While you don't need to identify yourself, we wanted to provide the opportunity for you to do so, so that we can connect with you to provide more information as we go.  It also helps us to gauge interest from multiple companies.

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* 2. Which date is preferable for you/your company?

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* 3. Would you be interested in FC-NVMe-2 testing?

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* 4. Would you be interested in 64GFC Interoperability testing?

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* 5. If you were to rank these topics, which is most interesting as a Plugfest topic?

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* 6. What type of product might you/your company be interested in providing for a Plugfest? Select all that apply.

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* 7. For those vendors that are bringing devices that can use 64GFC optics or cables is your device "vendor locked" to only allow the use of your preferred optic or cable?

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* 8. Is there any other test track you would want that we did not mention in #7 above?

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* 9. Would you be interested in helping to develop the testing plan for this Plugfest, should it occur? 

If so, please enter your email in the box below so we can connect with you.

Thank you for completing this survey!