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Thank you for sharing your feedback! 

At the end of thus survey you will also have an opportunity to tell us your CAM story. We want to hear whatever you'd like to tell us about your experiences now or in the past!

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* 1. Prior to the pandemic, how often did you typically visit the Cincinnati Art Museum?

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* 2. Since the pandemic began, how often have you visited the Cincinnati Art Museum?

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* 3. Are you aware of Art Climb, the museum's outdoor grand staircase that includes gardens and sculpture?

Art Climb

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* 4. How did you hear about Art Climb?

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* 5. If you have visited Art Climb, how did you spend your time? (choose all that apply)

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* 6. Does the Cincinnati Art Museum's Art Climb contribute to the vibrancy of Cincinnati?

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* 7. Please explain your answer to question 6. If not applicable or you do not have comments to share, skip to question 8.

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* 8. Which in-person programs did you or your child(ren) participate in at the Cincinnati Art Museum prior to March 2020?

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* 9. During the COVID-19 pandemic, how have you engaged with the Cincinnati Art Museum? (select all that apply)

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* 10. If you participated in the Cincinnati Art Museum's in-person program(s) prior to the pandemic, what did you like best about your experiences?

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* 11. What could be improved about the Cincinnati Art Museum's in-person programming options? (pre-pandemic)

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* 12. Which of the following CAM virtual programs have you participated in? (select all that apply)

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* 13. If you participated in the Cincinnati Art Museum's virtual offerings during the pandemic, what worked well for you?

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* 14. What could be improved about the Cincinnati Art Museum's virtual programs?

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* 15. What challenges, if any, did you encounter accessing or interacting with virtual programs?

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* 16. What could the Cincinnati Art Museum could do to improve the delivery or technology components of our virtual programs?

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* 17. Where do you access Cincinnati Art Museum online content?

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* 18. Did you tell others about your CAM virtual art experiences?

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* 19. Please rate your virtual preferences from 1 (best) to 4 (worst).

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* 20. Any comments you would like to share with us regarding pre-recorded vs. live programming options?

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* 21. Did you feel any of the following while engaging with CAM's virtual programming? (please select all that apply)

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* 22. Do you believe these virtual programs increased your appreciation for art?

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* 23. Did you or your household ask questions or participate in a dialog about the artworks you saw online?

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* 24. Did CAM's program(s) challenge you to learn something new?

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* 25. Which of the following types of distance art-making programs appeal to you? (select all that apply)

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* 26. Does the Cincinnati Art Museum contribute to the quality of life in your community?

0 Not at all Somewhat 10 Very much
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 27. Do you feel personally connected to the Cincinnati Art Museum?

0 Not at all Somewhat 10 Very much
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 28. In your opinion, does the Cincinnati Art Museum contribute positively to Cincinnati?

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* 29. How can the museum support you during this time?

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* 30. Is there more the museum could be doing to contribute to quality of life and arts engagement in your communities? (please be as specific as possible)

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* 31. Would you be interested in any of the following virtual tour opportunities in the future? (select all that apply)

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* 32. What topics would you be interested in for future virtual tour opportunities? (please select all that apply)

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* 33. Would you consider participating in a one-on-one conversation with CAM staff about how we could improve virtual engagement with you and your family?

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* 34. If yes, leave your email. If no, skip ahead.

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* 35. What are the most important ways that the Cincinnati Art Museum should share and engage you with content? (Choose the three choices most important to you.)

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* 36. In the previous year, which of the following types of virtual engagement/learning have you (or another household member) participated in? These can include non Cincinnati Art Museum engagements.

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* 37. What keeps you from engaging in virtual programs or content more often? (Choose all that apply.)  These can include non Cincinnati Art Museum engagements.

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* 38. Which of the following best reflects your opinion about paying for virtual content from museums? (choose one)  These can include non Cincinnati Art Museum engagements.

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* 39. We would like to understand what makes a great virtual program. Think about 1 - 2 virtual programs that you thought were great. What were they, and what made them so interesting or well done? (We would love to know who did them as well, if you remember.)

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* 40. We would also like to understand what can ruin a virtual experience. Think about 1 - 2 virtual programs that fell short of your expectations. What were they, and why did they fail?

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* 41. Are you interested in staying up to date on what's happening at the Cincinnati Art Museum? Please share your email to be included on our e-news list.

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* 42. How likely is it that you would recommend the Cincinnati Art Museum to a friend or colleague?


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* 43. Are you a Cincinnati Art Museum member?

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* 44. What is your age?

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* 45. What best describes your race/ethnicity?

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* 46. What is your gender?

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* 47. Do you identify as any of the following? (check all that apply)

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* 48. Enter your email below for a chance to win a Cincinnati Art Museum Family Membership

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* 49. Would you be interested in being contacted for future focus groups or interviews? If yes, leave your email below.

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* 50. Do you have a CAM story you'd like to share? Please do so here, or visit or website to learn more and submit your story with pictures.

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