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* 1. I understand that as an Advisory Board Member of the National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition (NEUAC), I have a responsibility to help the organization fulfill its mission, including the following duties and actions. 

·       I agree to act as an ambassador for NEUAC, and further its mission while acting in my capacity as an advisory board member and representing the organization

·       I agree to adhere to the bylaws and policies of NEUAC

·       I will attend at least one board meeting in-person per year. For the foreseeable future, due to the pandemic, virtual phone/web attendance will count as “in-person” for the purposes of this attendance requirement

·       I am encouraged to actively participate on at least one board committee

·       My organization will remain a NEUAC member in good standing for the duration of my service on the advisory board

·       (if applicable) My utility organization is encouraged to contribute financially to NEUAC beyond membership to the extent possible, or otherwise provide support in lieu of financial sponsorship

·       I agree to perform these specific duties as a NEUAC Advisory Board member

1. Become familiar with the mission, vision, and programs of NEUAC
2. Be informed about issues that affect limited-income utility consumers
3. Be informed about NEUAC’s board and organizational policies and procedures
4. Participate by contributing my skills, knowledge, and experience to the board and organization

·       I will act in the best interest of NEUAC, not work against NEUAC’s policy positions, disclose any conflicts of interest and/or remain neutral on an issue if a conflict with my organization’s position is present 

·       I agree to work in good faith with NEUAC staff and other board members as partners working towards the achievements of NEUAC’s goals

·       I agree to maintain confidentiality when sensitive issues are discussed

·       If I do not participate at four consecutive board meetings, it will be considered a voluntary resignation from the Advisory Board

·       If I cannot fulfill these commitments for any reason, I will offer my resignation

I agree to serve NEUAC as a member of its Advisory Board of Directors. I assume responsibility for carrying out the above expectations to the best of my ability. 

Entering your name, company, and date below will indicate that you have read the above text and agree to the terms.

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