Leadership - Green Milestone

These are scenarios for the green Leadership milestone - related to the practice of accounting.

You can ask your teammates for help in answering these questions and you can also use the resource guide or links to find the answers. The key to success is discussing the scenarios with your teammates and sharing your knowledge with each other.

Abbreviations used include:
• OBA - Oregon Board of Accountancy
• OAR - Oregon Administrative Rules
• ORS - Oregon Revised Statutes
• CPC - AICPA Code of Professional Conduct 

You will have 25 minutes to complete as many of these questions as possible. Work as a team to read the questions, discuss the ethical dilemmas and use the resource guide to find answers to questions you don't know how to answer.

Once you and your teammates agree on the answer type your answer into the box provided and submit it.

Question Title

* 1. The Sales Director tells you he changed the sales commission plan and asks you to recalculate commissions under the new plan. Your calculations indicate that all sales people have been overpaid and the Sales Director tells you to collect the overpayments.

Discuss with your team how your character might handle this request.  Earn 4 PEPs.

Question Title

* 2. You're the team lead on a job for the firm's biggest client. Several teammates cannot seem to work together and in fact spend most of their time disagreeing on appropriate ways to complete their tasks.

You use your hidden talents to negotiate an agreement that restores team productivity. Success is yours! Earn 6 PEPs for your Leadership

Question Title

* 3. You are in a client meeting and spend your time responding to text message from friends and teammates.  Your client gets annoyed and leaves the meeting in disgust.

Explain what ethical dilemmas have been created by this behavior or lose 6 PEPs.

Question Title

* 4. You are shocked to learn office supply expenses increase 60% each September and December.

You analyze these expenses and determine this is true. Specific items increasing cost include scotch tape, pads of paper, pens and pencils. You report this to Big Boss who implements tighter controls on supplies.

Earn 5 PEPs!  Enter the names of each team member who contributed to this discussion.

Question Title

* 5. You are well respected in your industry because you deliver what you promise and it is easy to work with you.

What leadership skills are required to earn this type of respect from your team? Earn 5 PEPs if ALL teammates contribute a skill.

Question Title

* 6. You received a report of increased incidents of vandalism at the firm.  When you investigate, you're told the staff is angry because their raises were small but the senior executives got big bonuses.

What can you do as a leader to change staff perception and improve staff attitudes?  Earn 6 PEPs if all teammates agree with you.

Question Title

* 7. You see a comment on social media that one of your teammates made about the quality of a competitor's product and a comparison to your own company's product.  In this post you see confidential information not yet made public.

What ethics issues exist here and what are your obligations to the company?  Earn 3 PEPs if your team accepts your response.

Question Title

* 8. Why should leadership be included in a program devoted to ethics?

Your team may award you Up To 6 PEPs for your response.

Question Title

* 9. You and the team are celebrating the success of your project over a few drinks. You tell the group the most meaningful leader you ever worked for and how it affected your life. 

Please share your real-life most meaningful leader and the impact he or she had on your life.  Ask everyone to share their own story.  Earn 2 PEPs for leading the discussion.

Question Title

* 10. What would your character say are the most important responsibilities of leadership?

Your team can award you 1, 2 or 3 PEPs for your response.