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Good Shepherd Food Bank’s Youth & Family Initiatives team would like to learn more about your experience accessing groceries and produce from your school this year. Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and helps us to shape and improve our programs. Thank you in advance for your time.

Please note that these questions refer to your experience accessing groceries & produce through your school, not school meal programs like breakfast/lunch for students. 

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* 1. Name of School/District, Head Start Program, or College Campus:

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* 2. How have you accessed food/groceries from your school this school year (August 2020-June 2021)? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. During this school year we accessed food/groceries from the school:

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* 4. Since accessing food/groceries through the school, have you visited another community-based food program (food pantry, meal site, community food distribution) in your area?

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* 5. If you answered yes, did you visit another program before or after the onset of COVID in Maine?

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* 6. Getting food/groceries through the school has (check all that apply):

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* 7. I can count on the school to always have grocery items when I need them.

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* 8. The school is a consistent source of grocery staples for my family.

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* 9. The food/groceries I access through the school usually lasts my family:

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* 10. I can get enough food/groceries through the school to meet my family's needs.

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* 11. If you answered "No" above, please share more family's about your food/grocery needs?

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* 12. These questions refer to take-home groceries for your family available through your school, not school meal programs for your child like breakfast and lunch.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs.
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school.
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school.
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school.
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school.
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school.

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* 13. Please rate the quality of the items you access through the school:

  Excellent Good Okay Not great Terrible
Shelf stable goods (canned foods, grains, pasta)

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* 14. What specific foods/grocery items are not available through the school that would be most helpful for you and your family?

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* 15. Please share any opportunities you’ve had while participating in this program.

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* 16. City/Town

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* 17. Number of adults in household under 65

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* 18. Number of adults in household over 65

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* 19. Number of children in household age 9 or older

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* 20. Number of children in household age 8 or younger

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* 21. Race/Ethnicity

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