October 7 - 10, 2025 | Nashville, TN

Call for Presenters

The Planning Committee of AASPA'S 87th Annual Conference is seeking presenters on topics of interest to professionals and classified staff who are employed in the area of school Human Capital Management and Leadership. Please read all information carefully before selecting a session option. Any questions contact Emily Kennedy at emily@aaspa.org.
We are only accepting in-person presentation proposals. Please contact emily@aaspa.org if you have any questions.
AASPA offers a variety of presentation options and times. An individual, group of presenters or a business may select from the following options:

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* 1. I understand that this presentation proposal is for in-person. I understand that I will travel to Nashville, TN to present and I am responsible for all travel and accommodation expenses as well as registration fee if planning on attending conference.

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* 2. Please select the session length that would best fit your presentation:

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* 3. Title of Presentation:

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* 4. Please select the strands which best fit your proposal. Strands are based on HCLE standards and competencies. Click here for more information. Please select up to 3 standards that best describe your session.

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* 5. Individuals interested in presenting should complete this form including a brief description of the proposed presentation by April 30, 2025 or until space is full.

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* 6. Upload a short bio of presenter to be posted on the mobile app (doc, docx format).

DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 7. Upload a head shot of presenter to be posted on the mobile app (png, jpg, jpeg or gif format).

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 8. By submitting this form you allow AASPA to utilize your headshot on our Conference Website. aaspaconference.com

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* 9. Names, Titles, Emails and Districts of Additional Presenters: Head-shot & bio must be sent to emily@aaspa.org.

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* 10. Equipment Required: An LCD projector, screen and basic WiFi will be provided. Please list additional equipment needed (subject to AASPA approval). A computer WILL NOT be provided by AASPA.

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* 11. Summary: Summarize your session for reference on the conference mobile app.  It is imperative that your description accurately matches your presentation as it will be posted on the mobile app. 

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* 12. SESSION LEVEL: (Select one) Please be knowledgeable about your materials and mark the appropriate level.

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* 13. Is the proposed presentation submitted on behalf of a business partner?

*If yes, the business partner selected must hold Elite status with AASPA and reserve an exhibit booth. Contact Sandy Wachter for more information. sandy@aaspa.org

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* 14. Will a business partner representative co-present with you? 

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* 15. Name of business participating:                                                                                                                  
*Business participants must be disclosed at this time or the session will be subject to cancellation.

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* 16. Does this participating Business hold elite status with AASPA? View list of AASPA Elite Sponsors.


* Business partners with Elite status are welcome to submit a clinic proposal. Elite status does not guarantee a session. Contact Sandy Wachter, Director of Meetings & Events, at sandy@aaspa.org with any questions.

*AASPA’s Ignite Sessions and Clinic Workshops are eligible for HRCI/SHRM/HCLE credit and must be 100% educational.

Our Business Partners have a wealth of knowledge to contribute and we encourage and welcome session proposals. The approved presentations by our Business Partners must provide knowledge and expertise in the field without mentioning or pushing your products or services.

The following guidelines must be accepted for a Business Partner Ignite Session or Clinic Workshop presentation to be approved:

  1. I understand Ignite Sessions are available to Business Partners with a minimum sponsorship of $5000. Clinic Workshops are reserved for our AASPA Elite Business Partners.
  2. I will present a knowledge based presentation on the general topic without mentioning my company, products or services.
  3. I understand that I may only have contact information and company logos on the first and last slide of my PowerPoint.
  4. I understand that I must have reserved an exhibit booth in order to be considered for a presentation.
  5. Individual consultants must register for the conference to be considered to present.


As a presenter, I understand that conference registration, travel and accommodations are my responsibility and I will not be reimbursed for any expenses. AASPA is unable to offer honoraria. Special requests for scheduling should be noted at the time the proposal is submitted.

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* 17. Special Request:  Please note special request are not guaranteed.

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* 18. * My electronic signature indicates that I agree with and will abide by the above guidelines

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* 19. Date you signed the contract
