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Thank you so much for participating in the second round of the Delphi study on the faculty dissertation/ capstone experience. For this round, we have compiled all participants' responses and would like you to indicate how often each item applies to you.

Question Title

* 1. I keep mentees motivated by:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
posting weekly announcement
finding ways to collaborate with them
providing timely, actionable feedback that helps them improve
using learner-centered strategies
recognizing the individual's reason for acquiring a doctorate
treating mentees as colleagues who are developing skills for scholarly success
acknowledging challenges and success as a path toward mastery
allowing autonomy in their work with accountability
providing flexibility in how we work together and communicate
contacting mentees regularly via calls, texts, emails or skype
acting as a cheerleader for them
building a positive working relationship with them

Question Title

* 2. I help my mentees succeed through:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
timely, specific, and applicable feedback
keeping them accountable
offering specific strategies to succeed
respecting their experience, expertise, and life circumstances
having a consistent objective attitude
having a good knowledge of resources
being easily accessible
asking probing questions
working together as a team
using track changes and comments

Question Title

* 3. The support practices I used that were the most helpful for my mentees were:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
timely and specific feedback on their draft submissions
using track changes
suggesting the multiple supports offered by Walden
utilizing methodology resources
frequent monitoring of the classroom
facilitating a group video conference meeting
being available to talk to mentees
providing positive encouragement

Question Title

* 4. I create a safe space for my mentees through:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
communicating both written and oral
the Mentee Cafe
treating every mentee with dignity and respect
considering how their culture might affect how they views things
being learner-centered
working to develop a positive working relationship with them

Question Title

* 5. I communicate with my mentees:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
video conference (e.g., zoom, Collaborate)
depending on mentee preference (phone, text, email, chat, digital meetings)
with Blackboard classroom via announcements and reminders
with the entire cohort

Question Title

* 6. I use my capstone classroom

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
to post announcements
to document all communication with mentees
to interact with mentees
to provide feedback
to celebrate accomplishments
to post discussions
for grading
to meet through Collaborate

Question Title

* 7. Practices that I use to help to improve mentee completion are:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
having weekly detailed calls
faculty engagement throughout the process
letting the mentees know you care
ensuring that comprehensive feedback on drafts is provided
accessibility to committee

Question Title

* 8. Practices that I use to help to improve mentee completion at the prospectus stage are:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
repeated stages/cycles of iterative development
constructive reviews
setting timeline goals
peer review
quick, and actionable feedback
realistic encouragement
helping mentees find resources

Question Title

* 9. Practices that I use to help to improve mentee completion at the proposal stage are:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
peer conversations and reviews
relating progress to their goals
continued use of principles established during prospectus stage
developing logic and support for the project
use of resources (writing center, methodologists, librarian)
use of additional supports as needed (doctoral specialist/ advisor, remedial courses)
preparation for data collection
timely actionable feedback
realistic encouragement
offering suggestions and helping mentees when they are stuck
ensuring mentees are meeting all the requirements

Question Title

* 10. Practices that I use to help to improve mentee completion at the final stage are:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
encouraging and modeling critical analysis of data
expanded interpretation of findings
expressing confidence in the work done
discussing possibilities of dissemination of the research
constructive feedback
breaking down writing into achievable parts
having mentees share progress and challenges with peers
checking on mentees' data collection progress
checking the raw data for accuracy
reviewing mentees' data analysis with them
helping mentees find the best way to present their data and findings
making sure mentees use the resources like the Form & Style Guide

Question Title

* 11. I communicate with my mentees during:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
all stages of the dissertation
the beginning of the dissertation process
the prospectus phase
the proposal phase
the literature review
the IRB phase
the data collection phase
the data analysis phase
development of Chapters 4 & 5

Question Title

* 12. I influence my mentees by:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
reminding them that I have been where they are to ease their stress
motivating them through phone calls
being specific of ways in which I believe that their research will contribute to the field
validating their own sources of motivation
reminding them of their goals for their career
providing resources
discussing different perspectives
not giving up on them
showing respect for the individual
reminding them that patience is needed with the review of numerous drafts
0 of 18 answered