We need your input!

The NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Early Childhood Foundation and EducationCounsel continue to offer support for LEAs, Head Start programs and early learning leaders across the state to explore new opportunities made possible through ESSA for birth to third grade alignment, accountability, and funding, as well as meeting the requirements for coordination. 

As part of this work, we will offer free, interactive, online Office Hours on various topics that are relevant to your continued collaboration with other early learning partners in your county/school district. Office Hours are an opportunity to ask questions and receive TA, resources and tools to support your work. Office Hours are not webinars with presentations of information, but are rather designed to be interactive and informal. They will be held via conference call, with an online option to allow for visuals.   

Let us know below what ESSA Early Learning-related topics you and your partners have questions about and would most like support on.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes your role?

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* 2. If you are a school district employee, which school district do you work in?  If you do not work for a school district, which county or counties do you serve?

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* 3. For our first set of Office Hours, we will be answering your questions on developing or improving MOUs among LEAs, Head Start programs and other early childhood programs. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act and Head Start Program Performance Standards, LEAs and Head Start programs are required to coordinate, and there are opportunities to include other early childhood programs as well.
  • What questions do you have about developing or improving your MOU?
  • What topics around these coordination requirements would be helpful for us to cover?
  • What tools or resources do you need to support you in developing or improving your MOU?

Question Title

* 4. We will host additional Office Hours this year on other topics around ESSA and Early Learning. The following are some topics shared by attendees at the recent ESSA Early Learning regional meetings we hosted. Which of these topics would be of interest for future office hours? Please check all that apply.

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* 5. Did you attend an ESSA Early Learning regional meeting this year?

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* 6. Anything else you'd like to share?