IIDA TN - Member Survey

1.Have you taken or do you plan to take the NCIDQ?
2.Were you reimbursed for the examination?
3.If you are not a registered Interior Designer with the state of TN, why not? (select all that apply)
4.Do you feel that your workplace environment values advocacy (registration) for interior design. Please add a note as to why or why not.
5.How do you think the TN chapter could better advocate for our profession on a state or national level?
6.What kind of Events would you like from your local chapter?
7.When do you prefer IIDA events to occur?
8.What is your preferred method of communication to receive information about IIDA events and news? (chose all that apply)
9.Final blank box for any other items.
10.Please submit your name and email address for a chance to win an Amazon giftcard.