The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce invites you to nominate a female professional from your organization for our Women’s Leadership Program Class of 2022.
Women's Leadership Program empowers women leaders with the skills and a network they need to excel in their own careers and to create conditions for other women to thrive. 
To learn more about the program curriculum and cost, please visit our page.

  • Self-motivated, high-performing women at any stage in their careers who are commited to full program participation.
  • Currently employed by a Chamber member organization.
  • Diversity is also strongly considered when making selection decisions.
  • Though self-nominations are accepted, we encourage you to solicit a nomination from your manager or another leader to ensure you have organizational support to participate.
Selection Process
We will send the nominee a link to submit an application starting in June 2021. Nominations and applications are due September 14. A selection committee will make and communicate decisions by the end of September. 
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Benjamin, Leadership and Talent Development Programs Coordinator at or 617-557-7358.

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Information (Nominator)

Question Title

* 2. Are you nominating yourself?

Question Title

* 3. Who are you nominating?

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* 4. Please share 1-2 primary reasons for nominating this candidate.

Question Title

* 5. How did you find out about Women's Leadership Program?

Please press "done" on the bottom of the page to submit your nomination.

We will accept rolling nominations through September 14, 2021. Nominees will be invited to complete an online application due by September 14.

Thank you for your nomination! If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Benjamin, Leadership and Talent Development Programs Coordinator at or 617-557-7358.