CEAS employee survey

Thank you for taking the time to give us some feedback. We pride ourselves in being available and responsive, so while this isn't the only way we want to hear from you, it is the best way for you to give us feedback anonymously. As a young company, the way that we continue to improve is by hearing from you! Thank you for helping make CEAS a supportive and engaging place to work.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how happy are you working for CEAS?

I'm struggling Meh I love this job
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about CEAS

  No way Rarely Wishy washy Typically Absolutely
Employees are treated fairly and consistently
Poor employee performance is effectively addressed
Hard work is acknowledged and rewarded 
Communication within CEAS is effective and organized
Employees are kept well informed about things that will effect them

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about CEAS

  No way Rarely  Wishy washy Typically Absolutely
I receive the training I need to do my job well
I feel I am part of a team working towards the success of my client
I receive useful and constructive feedback from my supervisor
My work is valued by CEAS

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied are you with...

  Very unsatisfited Unsatisfied Neither satisfied or unsatisfied  Satisfied Very satisfied
Your pay
Employee benefits
You career progression at CEAS
The process used to determine annual raises
The number of hours you're working a week

Question Title

* 5. What I love about CEAS is...

Question Title

* 6. CEAS could do a much better job if they...