Dear Student,

At ASM we believe that well informed students make the right choices for themselves and that students should have a voice in the course selection process based on their career goals. This survey was designed specifically to give you a venue to explore your curricular options in science in regards to your life-long career goals.

Please read the information below very carefully and then answer the questions below.

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* 1. Please enter your full name in the text box provided below.

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* 2. What grade are you currently in?

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* 3. When you imagine the program you want to study at university, what is it? Please be specific if you can. If you don't know what specific subject you want to study, please simply write whether you want to do science at university or not do science.

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* 4. Are you currently in our Honors or our College Preparation stream (formally called Advanced and Standard) in science?

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* 5. Which of the following strands of science most intrigues you?

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* 6. If you had to choose one of the courses below to study in Grade 12, which one would you choose? Please read through all the information about each subject first and then decide which you prefer.