After considering various issues within the industry, UMCA's Board of Directors has identified seven goals for the Association to tackle. They now look to the membership to help prioritize these goals. Weigh in on the future direction of the Utah Mechanical Contractors Association through your responses in this survey. The board will use those answers as it works on the Association's five-year plan.

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* 1. First & Last Name and Company Name

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* 2. Please rate the following industry issues at the level of importance to you, with 1 being the least important and 5 being the most important.

  1 Least Important 2 3 4 5 Most Important
Keeping contractors up to date with technological innovations in the industry.
Promoting safety throughout the industry and make it part of UMCA members' brand.
Evolving collective bargaining into collective business development with the union.
Raising the availability of quality labor, especially the apprenticeship program.
Stepping up outreach to members, to receive their input and provide more UMCA benefits to them.
Working with the union to grow existing markets and recapturing portions of the market that have been lost to open shops.
Becoming more proactive in the legislative & political arena.

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* 3. What issue or topic would you add to this list?

33% of survey complete.