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* 1. How much revenue do you currently make in your business?

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* 2. Please describe how your business works. What types of products or services do you sell? How do you currently find your clients and customers? What problems are you currently facing? Please be specific.  I know most people put "application only" as some marketing tactic. Not me. I genuinely want to see if you're a good fit for this mastermind. So, please be specific.

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* 3. Now, quick question: please select the things below that are most interesting to you. In reality, there will be elements of each of these things throughout this mastermind, but I'm doing this as a quick vote to see what people want more of.

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* 4. What's your #1 goal for your business over the next 6 months? If you're not 100% sure what your goal is, that's fine, too. One of the benefits of joining a mastermind is gaining clarity. But if you can share any details about your business, this will help me better understand if this mastermind will be the right fit for you.

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* 5. What's the #1 reason why you want to join this program? Please be specific. Again. I know what I have planned for this mastermind, and how it can help a business owner like you. However, I want to be sure you're the right fit and looking for something that I can genuinely deliver on.  

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* 6. Please share any relevant links that you think I should be aware of. Your main website. Your Facebook page. Your Instagram. And any other pages like product pages, sales pages, etc. This will help me better understand your business. If for some reason you don't have any of this stuff yet, let me know that too.

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* 7. Are you willing to make time to attend live workshops with other people who are in this mastermind? 

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* 8. Please include your best contact information.

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* 9. If your application is accepted, will you be open to hopping on a phone call (or video call) so that I can share a little more aboutthe program and see if this is the right fit or not? 

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* 10. The Target start date for The Exception Mastermind is October 9th, 2017. Are you able to become a member of this initial group of people?