2024 Visitor Experience Survey Your feedback and experience matter to us! To better serve our future guests, please answer the following: Question Title * 1. How many times have you visited the Mütter Museum, including today? This is my first visit 2 - 5 times 5+ times Question Title * 2. If this is not your first visit, what brought you back today? (Please check all that apply.) To see the Unhoused Exhibit To see the Postmortem Exhibit To see the Historical Medical Library Bringing friend, family, or out-of-town guest For a date For another look at the permanent exhibitions To visit the Museum Store Other reason (please specify) Question Title * 3. Are you a member of the Museum or Fellow of our home, The College of Physicians of Philadelphia? Yes, I am a Museum member Yes, I am a Fellow of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia No, I am not a Museum member or College Fellow Question Title * 4. What was most memorable about your visit today? Question Title * 5. Is there anything specific you'd like to see here in the future? Question Title * 6. Is there anything else you would like us to know? The following questions are completely optional, but this type of demographic information helps us to evaluate who is visiting the Museum and contributes to our efforts to serve a diverse audience. Question Title * 7. What is your zip code? Question Title * 8. What is your age? Under 18 years old 18 - 24 years old 25 - 34 years old 35 - 44 years old 45 - 54 years old 55 - 64 years old 65 - 74 years old 75+ years old Question Title * 9. What is your gender identity? (Choose all that apply): Female Male Non-Binary/Gender fluid Questioning or unsure Transgender I self-identify as: Question Title * 10. What is your sexual orientation? (Choose all that apply) Bisexual Gay Heterosexual/Straight Lesbian Queer Questioning or unsure I self-identify as: Question Title * 11. Do you identify as someone with a disability or impairment? No Yes If yes, please list any services or programming that would help create a better visitor experience for you. Question Title * 12. What is your ancestry, ethnicity, origin? (Choose all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian/Asian-American Black/African Black/African-American Hispanic, LantinX, or Spanish Origin Middle Eastern or North African Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White (non-Hispanic, non-LatinX, non-Spanish Origin) An ancestry, ethnicity, or origin not listed above: Question Title * 13. Please leave your email if you would like more information about upcoming programs and events: Name Email Address Thank you!