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* 1. Name

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* 2. Department

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* 3. Role

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* 6. What do you look forward to doing within a Crew Community?

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* 7. Our Crew Communities offer robust discussion resources and networking for employees with shared identities, experiences, and allyship. They drive collaboration across brands, fostering workplace inclusion, awareness, and respect. These communities encourage employees to connect over shared interests while providing vital support and space for authenticity.​ Our Crew Communities are:

· Women@Cast&Crew empowers women in their careers, fosters growth, mentorship, and networking. We strive for a workplace of equal opportunity that celebrates women and their contributions across our organization and industry.

· Black@Cast&Crew provides a secure space and company presence within and beyond our community, fostering growth and professional development for Black employees. We strive to share cultural familiarities, expand inclusivity, and promote well-being through networking, sponsorships, and partnerships.

· RisingProfessionals@Cast&Crew fosters leadership through networking and development, bridging gaps and enabling growth while celebrating achievements. Our mission is to empower employees to pursue fulfilling careers by offering networking, education, and inspiration.

· Pride@Cast&Crew promotes inclusivity among Cast & Crew employees, including the LGBTQIA+ community, through strong connections, resources, and opportunities, with a vision of prioritizing inclusivity and celebrating each member's uniqueness and contributions.

Please indicate which of the below Crew Communities that you have an interest in joining and we will add you to the membership list!

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* 8. Are you interested in being a Crew Community leader? If so, which Crew Community would you be interested in leading?