The purpose of the registry is to collect clinical data on thalassaemia patients who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Currently the effects of this infection in thalassaemia patients is not known. It is suspected that patients with low iron overload and with few or no vital organ complications are not in danger of having a worse clinical outcome than the general population. This, however, is not certain. Patients with complications such as heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, liver disease, diabetes may have more serious development during the course of the infection. This also is not known.
Such knowledge is important to be known since increased precautions for vulnerable patients and more timely treatment may be necessary.
We request that all treating doctors fill this questionnaire so that global data, and the experience of as high a number of cases is recorded and analyzed.
Information must be without patient identification.
This form is to be completed by a health care professional caring for patients with beta thalassaemia and documented coronavirus (COVID-19). Please complete the form after the patient has had COVID-19 for a long enough duration to experience partial or complete recovery, hospitalization, or death.
Such knowledge is important to be known since increased precautions for vulnerable patients and more timely treatment may be necessary.
We request that all treating doctors fill this questionnaire so that global data, and the experience of as high a number of cases is recorded and analyzed.
Information must be without patient identification.
This form is to be completed by a health care professional caring for patients with beta thalassaemia and documented coronavirus (COVID-19). Please complete the form after the patient has had COVID-19 for a long enough duration to experience partial or complete recovery, hospitalization, or death.
Obtain IRB approval before completing if this is in accordance to your country's regulation
Note: Data management, storage and transfer will be secured according to institutional policies. Data will be saved on excel spread sheet (>=128 bit key AES encryption) in password protected files on secure, password protected computers with updated antivirus/malware protection.