Overall Engagement

Your responses will help us improve and strengthen education at both the program and college levels as well as strengthen our relationship with alumni. Findings from this survey will be aggregated and reported in a manner that does not identify individuals. The survey is completely voluntary and with a few exceptions you may skip questions that you are not inclined to answer. The survey should take ten to fifteen minutes and must be completed in one sitting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation. *required question

Question Title

* 1. What program did you graduate from?

Question Title

* 2. What is your year of graduation from VCFA?

Question Title

* 3. What is your preferred email?

Question Title

* 4. As an alumnus/alumna, how connected do you feel to:

  extremely disconnected somewhat disconnected neutral somewhat connected extremely connected N/A
VCFA as a college?
Your program at VCFA?
Your program classmates?
Your program faculty?
Your program staff (program director/assistant program director)?

Question Title

* 5. Please rank your interest in the following:

  extremely disinterested somewhat disinterested neutral somewhat interested extremely interested N/A
Connecting more to the College as a whole
Connecting more with alumni from across programs at VCFA
Connecting more with your program
Reconnecting/connecting with faculty socially
Reconnecting/connecting with faculty academically
Connecting more with your program classmates
Connecting more with alumni from your program
Connecting more with alumni from related programs at VCFA (i.e., a writer connecting with alumni from other VCFA writing programs; visual artists, filmmakers, and designers connecting, etc.)
Joining a group with alumni in your geographic region from all programs at VCFA
Joining a group with alumni from your program, regardless of geographic area
Joining a group with alumni from your program in your geographic region
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17% of survey complete.