This survey will take approximately 10 minutes of your time.

Please take this opportunity to provide input about your professional affiliation with traumatic brain injury, your training needs, and your opinions regarding the successes and challenges of serving those living with brain injury. 

Survey results will help us better understand the resource/service needs/gaps of those with or at risk for traumatic brain injury. It will also gather data on barriers that those living with brain injury face, as well as the needs of professionals who serve the brain injury population.

The survey is voluntary and anonymous, and you will not be individually identified. Staff members of the TBI State Partnership Program and the Arkansas Trauma Rehabilitation Program will compile and summarize the results, which will be available for public review at a later date.

Thank you for helping us build a stronger support infrastructure for the Arkansas TBI population.

Question Title

* What is the name of your organization? (optional)

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* What is your organization's service area? 

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* Which of these positions best describe you?

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* Please indicate who you serve:

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* How long have you served individuals with TBI?

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* Please estimate the number of individuals with TBI that YOU currently serve or have had contact with in the last year:

Question Title

* How were TBIs identified within the population that you serve? (check all that apply)

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* Please indicate the type of services you and/or your organization provide to people with TBI. (check all that apply)

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* Are the TBI survivors that you serve identified as part of an underserved population? (check all that apply)

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* In your opinion, what barriers do individuals with TBI and their families face in accessing services and supports? (check all that apply)

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* Please rate your knowledge of available services and supports for Arkansans with TBI and their families:

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* Do you or other staff within your organization access training or information regarding TBI from external sources?

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* Does your organization provide education or training to the community on TBI?

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* What additional training or information do you or others within your organization need to improve your capacity to serve people with TBI and their families?

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* Please rank your preferred method to obtain training and information. (1 is most preferred and 5 is least preferred)

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* Are there other methods through which to obtain additional training and information that are different than the options above?

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* Please share any other comments.

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* If you would like to discuss your input to this survey or receive additional information about the work being done by the TBI Advisory Board Workgroup or the Arkansas Trauma Rehabilitation Program, please indicate your name, email address, and phone number below.

50% of survey complete.