Determining our LGAA project

We are partnering with the Germantown Parks and Rec Department this year for the LGAA Service Project!

There are several needs:
1) There are hundreds of tree to be planted; we would plant as many as possible in a given time
2) Pruning of invasive species, raking, and stick removal at Oaklawn Gardens
3) Painting the paddock at Farm Park
4) Painting the garage at Farm Park
5) Laying sod at the new Municipal Park area and at Oaklawn Gardens
6) Painting baseball dugouts at various city fields

These could be done as one project each or a series of projects over next few months. The purpose of this survey is to collect responses in order to gauge interest and assess how much time our alumni are willing to give towards a project.
We will need class coordinators for these projects.

Question Title

* 4. What year is your LG class?

Additional comments may be emailed