Town of Thompson Recreation Survey

1.What are the primary reasons that you use Town of Thompson parks?
2.Select the 5 activities you would like to do most. Assume you have the time, money and transportation to do whichever 5 activities you want.
3.Have any household members used recreational programs provided by the Town of Thompson in the last two years.
4.If yes to question #3, which recreational programs?
5.If you participated in services and programs offered by the Town of Thompson, how did you learn about them? (Please select all that apply)
6.If you do not participate in recreation or sports programs offered by the Town of Thompson, what are your reasons?
7.What are the most convenient program times for your and others in your household?
8.What additional recreation programs do you feel the Town of Thompson should offer or expand? (Please check which one and write type of programs at the bottom)
9.Would you like to be added to our email list?
10.Are you interested in volunteering to teach or run a recreational program?