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* 1. I agree to participate 100% in time, energy & commitment to each session.

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* 2. Share how you're working towards a life of non judgement, forgiveness, open to feedback, giving unconditionally and having a positive mindset. And share why you think these practices are important for all members of the Mastermind. 

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* 3. Please share below your intention with the Mastermind program and some of your goals. 

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* 4. I agree to be CLEAR and CONCISE in all my communication with my Soul Sister Mastermind group and to avoid excuses or storytelling.  I understand that I'm responsible for my actions and results and I will not complain, blame, justify or defend. I also understand that honest and integrity in my conversations are critical to my success in life and within my Mastermind group. 

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* 5. Why would you like to be included in one of  The Goddess Temple Soul Sister Masterminds? Why is it important to you? How do you plan to support others in the group? 

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* 6. Which Mastermind Program are you most interested in? Why? The Bunch Mastermind, The Spa Mastermind or the Weekend Retreat Mastermind.

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* 7. Imagine you've now completed your preferred 3 month Goddess Temple Soul Sister Mastermind program, and you're looking back over those 3 months, what has to have happened in your life both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”

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* 8. I understand how important it is to develop a forgiveness practice. I understand that holding onto this pain can cause dis-ease in my body, can keep me from becoming fulfilled and may project onto others in my Mastermind group.

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* 9. Please share any other comments or feedback below. 

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* 10. Please share below your name, email and contact number.