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Thank you for filling in this short questionnaire. Your inputs will help us understand how to reach out to potential newcomers to the programme in the next programme period. We anticipate that the survey will take you no longer than 5 minutes.

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* 1. How much experience do you have in the North Sea Region Programme?

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* 2. How many projects are you/have you been involved in during this programme period?

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* 3. How did you/your organisation learn about the North Sea Region Programme?

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* 4. Did you know the other project partners before you agreed to be part of the partnership? (If you are involved currently in more than one project, please select one and answer questions 4 to 8 based on your selection.)

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* 5. Were you active in forming the partnership or were you asked by another organisation to participate in the project?

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* 6. Thinking back, is there anything you would have done differently when forming your partnership?

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* 7. How well does your partnership work together?

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* 8. To the best of your knowledge, did any events arranged by the North Sea Region Programme play a role in the formation of your partnership, i.e. Interwork event, North Sea Conference, etc.?

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* 9. How do you think the North Sea Region Programme could better facilitate the formation of project partnerships?

0 of 9 answered