EXIT SGPS Faculty Course Evaluation Spring/Summer 2023 Faculty Course Assessment: Please provide a summary of your experience teaching this semester. OK Question Title * 1. First Name OK Question Title * 2. Last Name OK Question Title * 3. During which subterm did you teach? S1 (January 16, 2023- February 17, 2023) P1 (January 16, 2023- March 10, 2023) S2 (February 27, 2023- March 31, 2023) P2 (March 13, 2023-May 5, 2023) S3 (April 3, 2023-May 5, 2023 J1 (May 15, 2023-June 16, 2023) U1 (May 15, 2023- June 30, 2023) J2 (June 26, 2023-July 28, 2023) U2 (July 3, 2023- August 18, 2023) OK Question Title * 4. Course Code OK Question Title * 5. Course Name OK Question Title * 6. In what format did you teach the course? Online Directed Study Weekend Seminar OK Question Title * 7. I had a positive adjunct faculty experience during this course. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments OK Question Title * 8. The student(s) were prepared for the academic requirements of the course. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Comment OK Question Title * 9. I updated the following to personalize the course. Check all that apply. Syllabus Canvas Home Screen Learning Activities Assessments Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 10. Describe what worked well in the course. OK Question Title * 11. I made changes to the course.... Inside the course subterm shell Inside the blueprint Inside the course subterm shell and blueprint I did not make any changes. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 12. The changes I made inside the course included (check all that apply) textbook updates weekly module outcomes updates learning activities updates assessment updates rubric updates grading criteria updates to comply with Quality Matters Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 13. Describe changes, if any, made to comply with Quality Matters Standards. OK Question Title * 14. Describe course improvement needs. OK Question Title * 15. I used the following academic support options while preparing and/or delivering the course. (choose all that apply) SGPS Curriculum Coordinator Etown/SGPS Instructional Designer Expert in the Field (Colleague - Etown) Expert in the Field (Colleague - Non-Etown) Etown Teaching and Learning Design Studio Faculty Resource Page 3rd Party Provider Academic Support Recorded Professional Development Sessions Internship Employee Supervisor Other (Please share in the comments section) Not Needed Comments OK Question Title * 16. This course is designed in a way to develop a sense of community and belonging among students and faculty. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Comments OK Question Title * 17. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with this course. Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied No Opinion Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments OK Question Title * 18. Describe any challenges you experienced teaching with Canvas and/or the course itself. OK Question Title * 19. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? OK DONE >>