Faculty Course Assessment:

Please provide a summary of your experience teaching this semester.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 4. Course Code

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* 5. Course Name

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* 6. In what format did you teach the course?

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* 7. I had a positive adjunct faculty experience during this course.

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* 8. The student(s) were prepared for the academic requirements of the course.

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* 9. I updated the following to personalize the course. Check all that apply.

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* 10. Describe what worked well in the course.

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* 11. I made changes to the course....

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* 12. The changes I made inside the course included (check all that apply)

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* 13. Describe changes, if any, made to comply with Quality Matters Standards.

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* 14. Describe course improvement needs.

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* 15. I used the following academic support options while preparing and/or delivering the course. (choose all that apply)

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* 16. This course is designed in a way to develop a sense of community and belonging among students and faculty.

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* 17. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with this course.

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* 18. Describe any challenges you experienced teaching with Canvas and/or the course itself.

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* 19. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?