GFVGA is actively working to represent you and your essential agricultural workers in the statewide vaccination discussion. But most of the decisions regarding literal vaccination shots into arms will likely be made on a local level by your local GA health department staff & district director as well as local hospitals, pharmacies, etc.

The information we are asking you to share below is intended to inform local Georgia health districts encompassing produce operations about the OVERALL essential ag worker presence they will have in their district during the Spring 2021 season. This should include family, full-time employees, and seasonal employees made up of domestic, migrant and H2A employees.

If you have any questions about how GFVGA has been working for you or how this information will be used, please contact the GFVGA office at (706) 845-8200.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information for GFVGA internal use only. This will not be shared with any outside organization without consent in Question #8.

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* 2. Please share the primary county you consider home-base for your produce operation:

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* 3. How many full-time employees do you employ year-round?  (Please include family and full-time employees in the total.)

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* 4. What is the PEAK number of seasonal employees you employ during the season AND what month does that peak occur?  (For example: 125 employees in June or 50 employees in July. Please include H2A, domestic and migrant employees in the total.)

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* 5. Please share the estimated date(s) when seasonal employees are expected to begin work at your operation and the estimated number of seasonal workers for each date?  (For example: 10 seasonal employees on March 10, 75 seasonal employees on April 20, 30 seasonal employees on May 5, etc.)

NOTE: This question is intended to help local departments of health understand the multiple dates when essential ag workers may become active or arrive in their district.  Please include in the total H2A, domestic, and migrant seasonal employees. This information will be reported as anonymous and aggregate to each individual local department of public health.

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* 6. If vaccines are available through your local Georgia department of health free of charge, would you prefer to have vaccines administered on site at your produce operation?

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* 7. Have you contacted your local department of health to discuss a potential plan when vaccines are available for your essential agricultural workers?

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* 8. Would you like GFVGA to provide your name and contact information to your local Georgia department of health director to enable a potential conversation when vaccines become available in your area for essential ag workers?

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* 9. What kind of information or tools do you feel you need to better understand the vaccine for your employees?

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* 10. What are other concerns related to COVID-19, the vaccine, the market one-year into a pandemic, employees rights, employer rights, a COVID-19 Response Plan, etc.?