About This Survey - An Introduction

Can any mother help me?

What happens when the oldest job in the world meets the newest technology? Is social media transforming the way women adapt to motherhood? Are you constantly onilne posting photographs of your little ones? Exclaiming how litte sleep you've had? Asking advice on everything from how to sooth cracked nipples to where to buy calpol at 3am? Or do you trust your instincts?

This survey seeks to better understand attitudes and uses of social media among mothers. Does the way women use social medisa change when they become mothers? Can participation in social media decrease feelings of isolations, depression or low self esteem sometimes associated with becoming a mother? Or does participation create anxiety and increase social pressure to be and live a certain way?

The purpose and value of this study is to find out what impact social media has on the experience of motherhood and how it effects women’s transition into motherhood as well as how it continues to positively or negatively impact on their lives. It is part of a broader PhD study into writing, identity and self narration in social media contexts.