General Assesment

Planners4Health is a six-month initiative to increase local capacity for creating stronger, healthier communities. The initiative focuses on establishing greater coordination between planners and public health professionals.

The Georgia Planners4Health task force needs your help. We are assessing current initiatives, resources, and partners that promote healthier communities across the state. Your responses will help us identify opportunities to address two determinants of chronic disease – lack of physical activity and lack of access to nutritious foods.

The following questions address active initiatives and assets in Georgia. Please share information with the Task Force by completing the questions below.

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* 1. What professional organizations are active in planning or public health in the state? Please spell out organization names. For example, "Georgia Planning Association" rather than “GPA”.

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* 2. What public agencies or institutions are active in promoting healthy communities in the state?

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* 3. What community groups do you work with to promote healthy communities?