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The aim of this survey is to assist the Department of Training and Workforce Development to understand the skills and labour needs of the Western Australian Hospitality industry, and the various training, education, and migration pathways available to meet these needs. Information gathered through this survey will help inform solutions to the State's workforce development and training priorities.

FutureNow may also use this information (not individual responses rather overall themes) to inform our ongoing research into the Western Australian Hospitality sector. 
The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. If you would prefer to speak to us directly, we welcome your input and encourage you to get in touch.

You can access FutureNow's privacy policy here.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Organisation

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* 3. May we share your details with the state government on request? (If not, your aggregated responses will be shared, but any identifying information will not be provided).

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* 6. Are you aware of any REGIONAL specific issues impacting supply and demand for workers in the Hospitality Industry?

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* 7. What are some of the key factors affecting supply and demand for workers in the hospitality industry? Please select all that apply.

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* 11. Are there any training issues or barriers to training in the hospitality industry that you know about? For example, access and availability of training, training not meeting industry needs.

0 of 16 answered