Sign the Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest Pledge!

During the week of April 22nd, Tennessee Nonprofit Network will close for a few days to observe our fourth annual Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest. Our Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest are meant to give nonprofit employees time to unwind, disconnect, and restore. We began Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest in response to the struggles many nonprofit staff were experiencing at the beginning of the pandemic, but we realized that this practice needed to continue. More than 50 organizations have joined us each year to observe the Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest.

There is no one specific way to observe Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest. Organizations have:
-Offered the full week off to their staffs
-Closed for a day or two
-Took half days during the week of Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest
-Rotated days off so that all employees could have a few days off while still continuing services through the week for their clients
-Offered special self-care offerings like a yoga seminar, lunch provided, etc.

Join us in observing a Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest in whatever way your organization is able. Whether it is the full week or just a half day, please give yourself and your staff time to pause. Sign the pledge below for your organization! #NonprofitDayofRest

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Are you authorized to sign the pledge on behalf of your organization?

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* 3. We plan to observe Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest in the following way(s):

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* 4. Why is participating in Nonprofit Day(s) of Rest important for your organization? (PS. We may feature your answer on our website and newsletter!)

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* 5. Let us know any specific details that you'd like to share.