Study overview

Chronic breathlessness has been defined as ‘breathlessness that persists despite optimal treatment of underlying pathology and results in disability’ (Johnson et al. Eur Respir J. 2017;49 (5)). Chronic breathlessness is a common daily symptom of a range of malignant and non-malignant chronic respiratory, cardiovascular and neuromuscular conditions.

In this study we aim to collect information from health professionals who work with people experiencing breathlessness at rest or with minimal exertion despite having optimal treatment. 

We are interested in understanding how health practitioners explain chronic breathlessness to people who live with this sensation in order to describe:

1) the language and phrases used by health professionals to explain chronic breathlessness and 2) whether  breathlessness explanations differ according to specific chronic conditions
We are also interested in whether  there are  parts of explanations for chronic breathlessness that health professionals consider:

1) to be important

2) should be avoided

3)  are commonly difficult  for people living with chronic breathlessness to understand 

We are interested in the experience of  all health professionals that work in any capacity with people living with chronic breathlessness. The survey contains 13 items and is estimated to take no longer than 10 -12 minutes to complete.

While some basic demographic information is requested, the survey itself is anonymous.

While completing the survey  you will be able to edit or alter your answers by moving backwards and forwards between screens. Once you submit the survey you will be unable to access your survey to edit or alter any information.

The next screen contains information about the study processes and data privacy arrangements.