In light of the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) ruling on affirmative action policies and practices, and growing anti-DEI and ESG sentiment more broadly, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and BSR are collaborating to identify how the Expanding Equity (EE) program can provide additional supports to EE network members on racial equity and DEI initiatives. This rapid response survey aims to clarify the interests, needs and priorities of corporate leaders in this moment.

All responses to this survey will keep the person and their organization anonymous and will be kept confidential. None of the responses will be shared publicly and will only be used to inform and shape Expanding Equity learning and networking opportunities in the future. If you would like to be identified and possibly contacted in the future by the Kellogg Foundation to share your thoughts in a private conversation, there is an optional question at the end to provide your name, organization, and contact information.

This survey will be open for two weeks and will close on July 21, 2023. We anticipate it will take you 8-12 minutes to respond to this survey.

Question Title

* 1. What sector do you work in?

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* 2. What role do you hold at the company?

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* 3. In order to inform the development of supports and resources, the Kellogg Foundation would like to learn more about how your organization plans to respond or is responding to the SCOTUS ruling publicly and/or internally. Has your organization/will your organization engage in any public communications with respect to the affirmative action decision?

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* 4. More broadly, in recent years we have seen a shift in the U.S. policy climate around corporate DEI and ESG initiatives. As a result of these shifts, are you considering or planning to adjust your near- and long-term strategies and goals around racial equity and DEI?

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* 5. What types of issues and possible changes are you looking into right now? Please select all that apply.

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* 6. Based on your current needs, what support could the Expanding Equity program provide in light of the SCOTUS ruling and/or growing anti-DEI sentiment more broadly? Please rate these based on how helpful these resources would be for your organization.

  Not helpful Somewhat helpful  Helpful  Very helpful  Extremely helpful 
Learning sessions focused on the details and impacts of the affirmative action ruling, potential future SCOTUS cases related to DEI and the corporate sector, as well as passed and proposed anti-DEI and ESG state legislation, and ways to make an impact.
Learning sessions focused on what organizations in the corporate sector can do to support, sustain, and advance racial equity and DEI efforts in the current political climate.
Learning sessions focused on how a particular department can continue to advance racial equity and DEI, e.g., HR, Communications, Legal, Government Affairs, Talent Acquisition, corporate leadership, etc. Please specify which department in particular in the text box below.
Opportunities to network with corporate sector peers and share learnings and discuss internal and external responses.
Resources and tools to help organizations support, sustain, and advance efforts on racial equity and DEI in the current political climate.
One-on-one advising on long-term racial equity and DEI strategy to further contextualize important flashpoints and calibrate our company’s strategic response.

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* 7. An end of affirmative action in higher education, and potential future cases and rulings that more directly focus on corporate diversity, could shift the demographics of corporate workforces in which organizations conduct business, foster leaders, drive innovation, and sustain long-term financial success. What specific, additional support(s) do you need most to continue to champion and advance racial equity and DEI initiatives at your organization?

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* 8. When looking for support on racial equity and DEI, other than the Expanding Equity program, what other networks, programs, resources, etc., do you leverage for support? Please also indicate if you feel it would be relevant for the Kellogg Foundation to engage with any of the other support networks you have mentioned in aligning and enhancing our collective support of your DEI work. Please provide details and/or links below.

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* 9. Optional: if you would like to be contacted directly by the Kellogg Foundation as a follow-up to this survey, please provide your name, company, and email address.

Thank you for participating in this survey.