Consent to participate in research

Consent to Participate in Research

This provides consent information for research participation.  Your participation is voluntary, please consider the information carefully. This survey is being administered by Nicola Rinaldi, Ph.D., author of the book “No Period. Now What?”   


This study will explore the effect of exercise on recovery of missing menstrual cycles.  Subjects will have experienced amenorrhea, with subsequent recovery of periods.

Risk and Benefit:     

There is no physical risk involved in participating in this study.  Any time you are asking people about sensitive topics, there is psychological risk. Some question ask for information about weight. If you do not feel comfortable responding, there is an option you can select to skip the question. You can also terminate your participation at any time.

There is no direct benefit to the study participants. The research gathered through this study will help inform future research and enable education of physicians, researchers, and women experiencing amenorrhea.      


There are no formal incentives to participate.    


Individual results will not be analyzed, shared, or published; research objectives only focus on group results for analysis.  There is one question where the possibility of the answer being shared is specifically mentioned; if you do not consent to have your answer shared please leave the question blank.

The email address you provide will only be used to contact you regarding the questionnaire, for example if clarification is needed for an answer, not for any other purposes, and will not be given or sold to anyone outside of Antica Press.

Contacts and Questions:

For questions, concerns, or complaints about the study, you may contact Nicola Rinaldi at

Please note, it will take 15-20 minutes to answer the survey. If you do not complete the survey in one sitting you can return to finish at a later time.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the above information describing the study, and agree to participate of my own free will. I understand that I can stop answering questions at any point, and will contact Nicola Rinaldi at if I would like my responses removed from consideration.